The Women’s World in the Book of Poetry-Lyrics
【作者】 虎维尧;
【导师】 曹林娣;
【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 古代文学, 2003, 硕士
【摘要】 《诗经·国风》中的女性世界是一个在不同视角的透视下呈现出来的不断变化着的女性生存景观,《诗经》时代的女性生活异彩纷呈,既有女性的纵情放歌,也有因受制于文化形态而向隅低吟。由于《诗经》文本中的文化符码尚未全部破译,还存在若干争讼未决的问题,一时难以达成共识,因此这个世界的真实景观仍在不断地破译和读解中。 本文运用叙事学的相关理论,以女性视角呈现事件、言说情事为主要的认知方式去选择并解读文本,以冀洞悉《诗经》时代女性的真实世界。本文分三个部分来阐释。 第一部分从社会文化学的角度,通过对文本中一些符码的解译,从男女两性的角色分工和社会文化价值取向上,揭示女性的“自然世界”,指出女性的生活主要包括两性之爱和日常劳作。 第二部分,具体分析了作为社会角色的女性,重要方面体现在实现血缘家族的生育功能上和持家技能上。女性的以体貌和气质之美、衣着和修饰之美获得男权社会的更多欣赏和关注。 第三部分,重在阐述女性的“情感世界”,女性的缺失性体验是她们情感世界中最真实的状态。女性情感世界还包括她们对自我命运无从把握的苦恼和难以消释的情感焦虑等。 第四部分分析了《国风》呈现女性世界的方式,认为女性们亲历性的经验和追述性的沉思是体认她们世界的最有效的方式,也是后世读者看到的几近真实的女性世界。
【Abstract】 The women’s world in "The Book of Poetry -Lyrics" is a constantly changing women-living scene presented in different perspectives.Women’s lives at the time of "The Book of Songs" were rich and colorful, in which the women either sang heartily and highly or hummed in a low voice at the corner confined to the culture.As cultural symbols of "The Book of Songs" have not been completely decoded yet, there are still some controversial problems, difficult to arrive at a common viewpoint. And the true scene of the world is still being decoded and interpreted. The article employs the relative theories of narration, and tries to select and interpret it by presenting events, love-affairs from women’s views, hoping to probe into a true women world at the time of "The Book of Songs", which is explained in the first three parts of the article, which consists of four parts.The first part, from a view point of social culturology, reveals a women’s "natural world" by interpreting some symbols in the Book and by the roles they played in the society and by the social cultural values, pointing out that women’s lives mainly consist sexual love between men and women, marriage and labor.The second part analyses women’s the social roles in realizing ties of blood by giving birth and the capability of doing housework. Women obtained attention and appreciation from man-centered society by beauty of body and makings and by beauty of clothing and make-up.The third part expounds women’s "feeling world". Women’s Experience of Absence is their most truthful feeling world. Women’s feeling world also includes the worrying of their being unable to control their fate and the undispelled feeling worrying.The fourth and last part analyses the way a women’s world presented in "Lyrics", considering women’s personal experience and recounting meditating as the most effective way of recognizing their world, a nearly true women world in the later readers’ eyes.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 02期
- 【分类号】I207.22
- 【被引频次】4
- 【下载频次】1704