Words’ Character Volumes of Bamboo Slips of the Qin Dynasty
【作者】 方勇;
【导师】 吴振武;
【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 历史文献学, 2010, 博士
【摘要】 本論文题目是《秦簡牘文字彙编》,共分爲四個部分,第一部分爲“绪論部分”;第二部分爲本論文的主體部分,即“字表”;第三部分爲“歸字說明”;第四部分爲“释文”。“绪論”部分是對近三十多年的秦簡牘文字研究所取得成绩的回顾和總结。在這部分,主要說明文字的考释研究情沉及文字编的编纂情况。“字表”部分,探用《說文解字》大徐本的排字顺序编辑,同時将其分爲兩部分,第一部分爲正编,第二部分爲合文。見於《說文》的字頭,上附楷書字形,下附该字的篆文字形。未見於《說文》的字頭,在其右上角用※符號加以標識,並排列在“字表”相關部首後。其中每個字欄下所收篆隸字形的排列,以使用材料的所属年代早晚爲序。合文部分即收錄合書形式。“歸字說明”部分,主要是對“字表”中收錄的一些學界爭議较大的字形的考释和詞義说明。其中筆者的意見,以按語形式體现。“释文”部分即本文所採用资料的释文匯總,這些材料大致是按照它们所属年代的早晚來排列。
【Abstract】 WORDS’CHARACTER VOLUMES OF BAMBOO SLIPS OF THE QIN DYNASTYAs our country’s great development of modern archeology, bamboo slips and wood tablet written material was found more and more, especially in the last 30 years, Bamboo slips of the Qin Dynasty and wood tablet writing for academic studies have thus opened a prelude to the study. Until now, Slips of the Qin Dynasty and wood tablet scientific research is very fruitful. The achievements we have had to conduct a more comprehensive induction and summarized. Before us, there are many scholars of bamboo slips of the Qin Dynasty and wood table text editing work. But because it was far, particularly in recent years, the research results in the above are not reflected in these books, it is based on the above reasons, now is the urgent need for academia to focus on a latest research achievements and reflect the academic word compilation, which is what we need to do this work, shape and feasibility.This thesis was titled " Words’ Character Volumes Of Bamboo Slips Of The Qin Dynasty", IT is divided into four parts, the first part of "Introduction ", the second part namely" word list", third is divided into "return the word description, "Part IV is divided into" sources of information sheets and release the text." This paper contains the material that is the Qin bamboo slips and wooden slips, the other charge."Introduction" section is a review and summary. In this part, we mainly focus on writing progress of the study, such as the Wooden Slips from Qing Chuan of the word "Shi" "Ze" "Run" and so on; And Bamboo Slips of Qin Dynasty from" Zu"," Fu"," Xia"," Xun "," Mu",the word of the test interpretation, as well as training for the word interpretation. In addition, Characters and summary part of the compilation of the main text shows in the past series of advantages and disadvantages, and characteristics of the Words’ Character Volumes.In the "word list" section is the use of "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" to edit the word-order, while the word-is divided into two parts, the first part is being prepared, and the second is divided into He-wen. Found, "said the text" in shape, with regular script for the prefix attached to the word Zhuanwen the next glyph. Not found in "Shuo Wen" in shape, in its upper right corner with the distinction between "X" symbol, and its radicals prevail, arranged in "said the text" corresponding radicals behind. In the table under the heading of each word received by the order of the various Zhuanli shape, according to the raw materials used in their respective age sooner or later as a sequence. All text section included together in book form."Note the word go" section, mainly on the "word list" section of those in the academic subject of considerable controversy word literal physical descriptions and explanations, while the author’s opinion is also reflected in this part.’The text" includes all the information used in this paper the sources and their full release text of this part of the material is roughly according to their age sooner or later belong to arranged.
【Key words】 words from The Qin Dynasty; bamboo slips; wood tablet; Words’ Character Study Volumes;