

The Research on Gongbu Shangshu in the Tang Dynasty

【作者】 卫丽

【导师】 张金龙;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 博士

【摘要】 工部为唐代尚书省六部之一,是国家负责土木工程营建的中央政令部门。工部尚书与侍郎乃工部的正副长官,下辖工部、屯田、虞部和水部四司。工部制度在隋朝的确立,具有重要历史意义,不仅使三省六部制度得以完备,而且使国家的社会职能得以凸显,为此后的历代封建王朝所继承。唐朝全面继承隋制,工部制度在唐朝又得到了进一步的发展和演变。目前学界对于工部的关注十分有限,本文以工部尚书为研究对象,以文献记载为基础,利用历史学、统计学、行政学、政治学等学科方法对唐代工部尚书的行政和人事制度进行系统考察。全文共分为上下两篇,上篇为工部尚书的行政制度,包括唐代工部尚书的组织结构及工部职能的运作方式、工部职能渊源及其制度的形成过程、工部尚书制度在隋朝得以确立的原因、工部尚书的职掌及工部四司的职能等内容;下篇以有唐一百一十五任工部尚书为中心,对其籍贯与出身、入仕与仕履、职务的兼任迁转、唐人对工部官员的评价等进行考察,并在此基础上分析唐代工部尚书在唐代职官体系中的地位。第一章考察唐代工部尚书的组织结构和行政运作方式。工部尚书和侍郎是工部的正副长官,统领工部、屯田、虞部和水部四司,而各司官员有郎中、员外郎和主事等流内官,其中郎中、员外郎又为本司的正副长官,各司其职。除此之外,各司还分设人数级别不等的具体办事人员即吏员,有令史、书令史、掌固等。又考察了工部尚书行使职能的方式,主要从工部四司与尚书都省的关系、工部尚书、侍郎与四司及四司之间的关系、四司与诸监的关系等角度进行考察。第二章考察唐以前尚书工部制度的渊源与形成过程。将工部制度在唐以前的发展演变分为三个阶段,即先秦至西汉时期、东汉至魏晋南北朝时期和隋唐时期。先秦至西汉时期,为唐代工部四司的职能来源期;东汉时期为尚书工部制度的萌芽时期;魏晋南北朝时期是尚书工部制度的雏形与形成时期;隋唐时期为工部尚书制度的确立和发展时期。在此基础上,又讨论了工部尚书制度在隋朝得以确立的原因,在于国家的统一、经济的发展、中央集权的加强、制度的调整以及隋土木营建活动的兴盛等方面。第三章考察唐代工部尚书和工部四司的职能。工部尚书总掌与工部四司相关的全部职务,包括基本职掌即土木工程营建和辅助职掌即财政事务和参议朝政两个方面,对上,奉行与工部相关的制命,对下,统领工部四司,对中央及地方所有官司在执行与本部门相关事务时进行质正。此外,工部尚书还要根据个人才能承担其他职务,如担任翰林学士、参与官吏选拔考核、撰修国史、参与军事行动以及担任使节或其他临时派遣的任务等。工部四司的职掌分别掌管营建事务、国家公田、虞衡山泽和水利沟洫。第四章是对工部尚书任职者的籍贯与出身阶层的考察。本章利用大量墓志等出土文献资料,考察唐代一百一十三位工部尚书的籍贯,特别是其家族自南北朝以来的籍贯迁移情况。通过考察发现,唐代工部尚书多出于关内、河南、河东和河北四道。从出身阶层来看,共有七十九人出身于四十个郡姓,占到出身阶层可考工部尚书总人数的比例为近八成,因而,唐代工部尚书主要出身于士族阶层。第五章考察唐代工部尚书的入仕途径与仕履经历,通过分析官员得以入仕和迁入工部尚书的途径,探讨影响官员担任工部尚书的因素。唐前期入仕途径的重要特点是参与过唐开国事业的官员以及与皇室有亲戚关系迁入工部尚书的比例较高,从唐中期开始科举入仕成为最重要的入仕途径,唐后期达到高潮。经过分析可看出影响官员迁入工部尚书的因素有在某些方面需有特殊功劳或才干等八个方面。第六章通过工部尚书的兼任官和职务迁转来考察工部尚书在唐代的职权与地位在唐后期的下降情况。主要包括三方面内容:对工部尚书主要兼任官包括兼任宰相、担任东都留守、与节度使转换等的分析;对工部尚书在其职业生涯中所处位置包括非正常迁转情况、工部尚书的任期、工部尚书的任职年龄等的分析;对当时人对工部官员的评价包括唐人的思想认识、对工部官员的称谓、工部尚书的任职表现等的分析。总之,通过对唐代工部尚书的行政制度和人事制度的考察,有利于对唐代尚书省六部之一的工部进行基本而全面的了解,为进一步进行唐代历史的研究奠定了基础。

【Abstract】 As one of the six departments of Shangshu Sheng in the Tang dynasty, Gongbu is responsible for civil engineering construction of the central state decree department. Gongbu Shangshu and Shilang, the president and vice-president of Gongbu, administrated four sections:Gongbu, Tuntian, Yubu and Shuibu. Been established in the Sui dynasty, the Gongbu System had important historical significance, which not only to complete the Sansheng and Liubu System, but also to highlight the empire’s social functions, and was inherited by the after feudal dynasties of China. The system of the Tang dynasty totally inherited it of the Sui dynasty, and has been further development and evolution as well. For the present, the academic research on Gongbu is very limited. Basing on documents of history and the methods of history, statistics, and administrative science, this paper takes Gongbu Shangshu as the research object and will inspect the administrative and personnel system of Gongbu Shangshu in Tang dynasty. The content of this paper includes the Gongbu’s organizational structure, system origin, functions and the Gongbu Shangshu’s background, official experience, status etc, distributing in the following six chapters.Chapter I elaborates on the organizational structure and administrative operation of Gongbu in the Tang dynasty. Gongbu Shangshu and Shilang were the president and vice-president of Gongbu, which lead the four sections of Gongbu, Tuntian, Yubu and Shuibu, each of which was formed by Langzhong, Yuanwai Lang and Zhushi. Langzhong and Yuanwai Lang were the leaders of each section. In addition, each section also set different number and range of specific staff, including Lingshi, Shu Lingshi, Zhanggu, etc. Further investigates the exercise of the functions of Gongbu Shangshu, by inspecting the relationship between the four sections and Shangshu Dusheng, the relationship between Gongbu Shangshu and the four sections, the relationship of the four sections, and the relationship between the four sections and function related Si.Chapter II elaborates on the system origin and formation before the Tang dynasty. The evolution of Gongbu system was divided into three stages before the Tang dynasty, which was the Xianqin and Qin-Han period, the Wei,-Jin and North and South period, and the Sui-Tang period. The Xianqin and Qin-Han period was the origin period of the functions of the four sections of Gongbu, during it, the Dong-Han dynasty was the bud period of the Gongbu system of the Tang dynasty; the Wei,-Jin and North and South period was the formation period, and the Sui-Tang period was the establishment period of the Gongbu system. On this basis, also discussed the reasons of the establishment of the Gongbu system, which were the unity of the nation, the development of economy, the strengthening of centralization, the flourish of construction activities in the Sui dynasty.Chapter III elaborates on the functions of Gongbu Shangshu and the four sections of Gongbu. Gongbu Shangshu was totally in charge of all the duties related to the four sections in the country, including the basic duty of civil engineering construction and assist duty of participating in financial and national affairs. To the higher level, executed the commands of the emperor and prime minister, to the lower level, led the four sections of Gongbu, and supervised all the related matters from the central and local. In addition, Gongbu Shangshu should undertake other duties according to personal abilities, for example, to serve as Hanlin Xueshi, to participate in the official’s selection and assessment, to write the national history, to participate in military operations, to undertake kinds of Shizhi and temporary dispatch duties. The function of the section of Gongbu was in charge of large-scale engineering construction; the function of the section of Tuntian was in charge of the land owned by the state; the function of the section of Yubu was in charge of natural resource of nationwide forest and water; the function of the section of Shuibu was in charge of nationwide water conservation project.ChapterⅣelaborates on Gongbu Shangshu’s birthplace and family background. This chapter used a large number of epitaphs and other excavated literature to inspect the 113 Gongbu Shangshu’s birthplace of the Tang dynasty, especially whose family had replaced since the South and North dynasty. By examining, it can be discovered that most of the Gongbu Shangshu of Tang dynasty came from Guannei Dao, Henan Dao, Hedong Dao, and Hebei Dao. Examining from the family background, in the 113 Gongbu Shangshu, there were 79 people came from the 40 famous surnames. The proportion is nearly 80%, which shows that most of Gongbu Shangshu came from Shizu class.ChapterⅤelaborates on the ways to secure political position and their official experiences, on this basis to discuss the factors influencing official promote to Gongbu Shangshu. The important feature of the early Tang about the ways to secure political position was those who participated in the revolution in the final of the Sui dynasty, and had relative relationship with the emperor family, had a higher proportion to promotion. Since the middle Tang, the imperial examination was the most important way to enter the official position. Through analyzing, the factors affecting the official to promote had totally eight kinds.ChapterⅥelaborates on the pluralism and the shift of occupation of Gongbu Shangshu, on this basis to inspect Gongbu Shangshu’s authority and status’decline during the late Tang. It mainly includes three aspects:analysis on the main pluralism of prime minister, Dongdu Liushou and Jiedu Shi; analysis on the status in one’s official career as a Gongbu Shangshu, including un-normal shift, term of office and the age during one’s tenure of office; and analysis on the evaluation of the Gongbu officials by the people of the Tang dynasty, including evaluation of contemporary, the judge of the Gongbu officials, etc.In short, by researching the administrative system and personnel system of Gongbu Shangshu in the Tang dyanasty, we have a comprehensive understanding about the Gongbu Shangshu, one of the six Bu in the Shangshu Sheng of the Tang dynasty, and lay a foundation for the further study on the history of the Tang dynasty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

