

Study on Official Post for the Royal Family Daily Life Recorded in Zhou Li

【作者】 张燕

【导师】 许兆昌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 中国古代史, 2011, 博士

【摘要】 本文以《周礼》所记官制体系作为研究基础,提炼出为王室起居生活提供专门服务的职官团体,以宿卫、饮食、医疗、服饰、侍御等作为此类职官服务层面的划分依据。首先对《周礼》所记王室不同层面的起居职官进行系统研究,再对王寝、门制、燕居饮食、服饰、医疗、教育等相关的起居制度进行专题讨论,以此构成本文的研究课题即《<周礼>所见王室起居职官专题研究》。当然,凡涉及到周代重要的并与王室起居密切相关的职官,我们均另立专题,将其置于周代历史环境中进行相应考察,以找出《周礼》对于此类职官记载的特征,并从王室起居类职官与制度方面对《周礼》的史料价值进行相应判断。全文共分为七个部分:第一章,对《周礼》所记宫禁与宿卫类职官及相关制度作出整理和分析。考虑到宫禁与宿卫类职官职能的行使将受到王室门寝之制的限制,故文章首先对《周礼》所载天子的门制、王室寝制进行了详细地考察与补充,以此作为对于宫禁与宿卫类职官讨论的基础。宫禁类职官对于王宫禁令的总控,实际上是从诸职职能范围与王宫布局的特点出发的,小宰属于王宫政令的总控者,掌宫禁是其职能之一,士师所掌的“宫禁”实际涵盖了王宫外门、中门以内至路门以里的各种禁令。与士师相配合的当为宫正和内宰,分管皋门以内、路寝及路寝以内的禁令的发布与监控。而宿卫类职官的布列标准则依托于天子诸门的设置,分为诸门之宿、王内之宿和通职宿卫三个基本类别,诸职成网状交织之势,保证王室日常生活的安全。另外,本文以掌宫禁与掌宿卫这两项职能为切入点,对于周代宰官的宫禁职能、师职的宿卫职能、保氏的宿卫职能、虎贲氏天子近卫之臣的身份以及阍人的守门职能等进行相应的考察与分析。第二章,以《周礼》所记王室日常饮食的分类与食饮专职的服务作为研究对象,目的是区别以往饮食制度研究重视礼制饮食的特点。本文根据《周礼》饮食职官职能下的点滴记载,结合众多学者的注疏研究,总结出王室日常饮食生活的基本情况,提炼出服务于天子日常饮食生活的专职。首先,《周礼》记载王室日常饮食主要以天子为核心,从文献记载及众家注疏的讨论来看,天子日常饮食主要由“朝食”和“燕食”两类饮食活动组成,而燕食与燕饮亦合称为“燕饮食”,另有稍事和非食时之饮作为天子日常饮食的重要补充。其次,以膳夫为核心的食官群体在为王室各类饮食生活提供相关服务的同时,专门承担了天子日常饮食的专职服务。例如内饔、舍人、司尊彝等职负责陈器,庖人、内饔、亨人、兽人、鵤人、酒正、饎人等职主要负责天子日常饮食中牲、羞、酱、珍、酒、饮等物类的选择与辨别。在进入天子日常饮食的主要程序之后,馈御、侑食、授祭、尝食、彻食等环节的逐级展开均由膳夫亲自参与完成。再次,对周代以膳夫为核心的食官群体进行考察时,本文关注膳夫食官的职能性质,膳夫所掌天子饮食基本环节的考察,并对散记于不同文献下的庖人、酒正、内饔、司尊彝、兽人等职的职能进行相应考察。第三章,重点关注《周礼》所记医官群体的研究。首先,考述《周礼》医官群体的联职情况,诸医之间的配合既保证了天子及贵族日常饮食的安全和健康,又保证疾患的防御与及时救治,以达到防患于未然的目的。其次,本章从宫室居寝的清洁,天子及贵族自身清洁,日常饮食的卫生防御,巫术驱疾防疫,以及司爟、庶氏、酒正等职对于四时之疠疾、蛊毒、疾病等方面预防与救治,对《周礼》官制进行重新筛选,提炼出《周礼》职官设置中所隐含的疾病防御体系。再次,分别对巫之医事、医官的起源与发展进行专题研究。在对先秦时期巫之医事的主观救治与科学救治行为分类考察的基础上,本文对《周礼》所记巫职的职能性质形成一定认知,实际上《周礼》关于巫职的记载基本上忠于巫职本身发展变化的历史轨迹,是对于巫职衰落及其职能转变的整体总结。同时,本文还重点对西周及其以前和春秋战国时期医官的起源与发展进行了专题讨论,实际上,在殷商甲骨及相关文献中并无“医”的记载,而当时大量医疗行为的承载者又是巫职,再考虑到西周铭文及文献资料中较少“医”职记载的特点,故西周时期可能是巫、医开始分流或者说医职开始独立的时期。而春秋战国时期,医职便得到长足发展,已经拥有独立的职官系统,而且医职的基本职能及其行医经验也得到了广泛地认可。最后,以附录的形式对《周礼》医官所反映的时代问题进行归纳总结:《周礼》所记巫医关系以及医官职能和理论是对春秋以来巫医分流后“医”之发展及行医经验的全面总结。第四章,重点关注《周礼》所记女官及女官教育的研究。首先,对《周礼》所记女官及其职能特点进行讨论。依据女官服务对象的不同,女官可以分成两个类别:天子女官与王后女官,前者专指天子的御妾而言,后者指由王后所领的天子的内官体系。以天子内宫为限,女官职能范围被禁锢在六宫之内,绝不参与政事,并且在王后女官内部存在明显的等级划分。同时,本文对女官的相关联职如内官、内人、妇官等群体的具体所指及其与《周礼》所记女官的异同进行考察。其次,以内宰与女官的教育职能为出发点,对《周礼》女官教育体系进行系统研究。女官教育的施教者主要由内宰和九嫔承担,前者负责阴礼之教与妇职之教两项内容,后者则专门承担起了对于女官妇德、妇容、妇言、妇功等方面的细节教育。实际上,《周礼》所构建的女官教育体系从礼与职两个方面将女官教育落实到了实处,形成女官之贵者重视礼教、女官之贱者重视职教的教育特点。再次,本文对先秦时期女子贵族教育进行专题研究,对母、姆、傅姆、傅母与女师的身份进行讨论,并从学前之教、闺门之教、嫁前之教的三个不同阶段来论述先秦贵族女子教育的主要内容。最后,对《周礼》女官之教与文献所记女师之教的关系进行总结:从受教者的身份和教育内容的侧重点来看,女官教育实际上是建立在女师之教的基础上的。第五章,《周礼》所载天子近侍服务类职官实际上是天子日常政务与燕居劳亵之事的主要负责者,本文重点分析这些职官在天子日常政务不同层级方面的服务职能,以及天子燕居琐事的专职服务。其中,大仆及其从属小臣等职主要对天子燕朝、路寝、燕居所涉及到的政务提供专职服务,而宫人则是天子日常燕居劳亵之事的主要负责者。最后,结合铭文材料与先秦史料对“仆”职的身份与职能、小臣的近侍身份进行考察。第六章,在《周礼》所构建的服饰类职官体系中,主要针对的是天子与王后礼服的供应服务,而天子日常服饰则多隐藏于学者们根据《周礼》经文及礼书记载的注疏讨论之中,本文以此为基础,对《周礼》所记王室日常服制进行讨论,并提炼出相应的专职服务。王室日常服制主要包括王、后各自首服、衣服及足服的不同类型及搭配关系,通过对于上述问题的细致分析与讨论,总结出王、后日常搭配的几种情况:王后服次、展衣视天子玄冕,用以群小祀;王后服次、展衣视天子皮弁,用以礼见宾客、参与宴飨等;王后服次、褖衣视天子皮弁,用以日常礼见天子;王后服次、褖衣视天子玄端,用以御见;王后服纚笄、褖衣,用以燕居。最后,专门针对上述王、后日常服饰所需要的相关服务,对《周礼》所在服饰类职官进行系统整理。第七章,在《周礼》所记王室起居的庞大职官体系中,其具体职能或事务的展开,实际上均由不同职官下的徒属或奴隶完成,他们才是保证王室起居服务完成的基础。因此,本文将《周礼》所记与王室起居生活相关的庶人在官者和奄人的配备情况及职能特点进行分析。考虑到奴隶并非职官但却又与天子起居生活密切相关,本文将《周礼》奴隶群体的研究以附录的形式列于庶人在官者与奄人专题之下,对《周礼》所记奴隶的来源、使役、从属及特点进行考察,以保证专题研究的全面性。

【Abstract】 Based on officer system which was recorded in Zhou Li, the paper picked service organization of royal daily life. It is classified according to guard system, diet, medical treatment, attire, etc. To make a systematic study for the different service levels of daily life officer which was recorded in Zhou Li, and then discuss the daily routine system (such as lay king, door check, daily diet, attire, education, etc.). This article is written by means of the above research. The thing that involves officer who take charge royal daily life in Zhou Dynasty, it shall set another topic that will investigate Zhou dynasty history environment to find out characteristic of such official which was recorded in Zhou Li. And from officer who take charge the royal daily life and system to judge historical value of Zhou Li. The full text is divided into seven parts:Chapter I, it goes into the organization of guard against palace and guard official post and relevant system and into the analysis. As performance for two kinds of official post is limited by the system of royal bedroom door,it shall investigate and add Emperors door system and Royal bed system which was recorded in Zhou Li to become discussion basis of two kinds of official post. Post for guard against palace is total control of palace ban, From job rule and the position of the characteristic of the palace layout to set out,“Xiao zai”belongs to total control of palace decree and guard against palace one of its functions. Judge guard against palace covered kinds ban for palace of anteport, and middle door to inside door.“Gongzheng”is controlled ban within“ShiShi”, Nei zai is controlled ban within Luqin, and they cooperate with ShiShi. Guard post divided into three parts: guard in every doors, guard in Palace and guard in the whole palace. Set these posts to ensure daily safety for the royal family. In addition, the paper investigates ban function of Zai post in Zhou dynasty, guard function for Bao shi, Hu Ben shi and Hun ren.Chapter II ,classification for diet of royal family and service for diet post which was written in Zhou Li are taken as the research object, to distinguish research on previous diet system and attach importance to the characteristics of improper diet, the paper based on clue which is diet post function in Zhou Li and combined research of numerous scholars to summarize basic information for the diet of the royal family, abstract post which taken charge diet life for the emperor. Firstly, Zhou Li recorded mainly in the diet royal emperor as the core, from the literature and public discussion of family commentaries of view, the emperor diet primarily by the "chao food" and "yan food" activities of two types of diet composition, and Yan Food and Yan Drink are collectively known as "Yan diet", while the time of take a drink and non-food diet as an important supplement to the emperor. Secondly, By Shan Fu as the core of the food groups assumed the official daily food service emperor. For example,“NeiYong”,“Scheeren”,“SiZunyi”and other staff responsible for the division artifacts on display.“PaoRen”,”NeiYong”,”HengRen”,“ShouRen”,“YuRen”,“JiuRen”,“ChiRen”and other staff responsible for identifying and selecting the daily diet of sacrifices the livestock, the shame, sauce, precious thing, wine, drink and other items category. Into the main program:fed Yu, Yu-food, award ceremony, taste food, removed food and other aspects of thorough research has Shanfu personally involved step by step to complete.Again, the paper focuses on the investigate specialized function for Shanfu, PaoRen,etc. who has the important post in the Zhou Dynasty.Chapter III, focus on the for medic officer group which was written in Zhou Li. Firstly, it shall be familiar with the situation for cooperation between medic officer groups. Matching the various doctors not only ensure the safety of aristocratic diet and health, but also to ensure that defense and treatment of diseases in order to achieve the purpose of preventive measures. Secondly, This article focuses on aspects of Palace bedroom home cleaning, the emperor and the nobility’s own cleansing, defense health of diet, magic treatment and prevention ,the Disease control by officials such as“SiGuan”,“ShuShi”and“JiuRen”, we re-screened officials in Zhou Li, extracted the disease defense system set implied in Zhou Li Officials . Again, We conducted case studies on the witchcraft treatment and the origin and development of medical officer.Based on the study classification between practice witchcraft and magic cure behavior in pre-Qin Dynasty, We form cognitive about the nature functions of the witch which was written in ZhouLi. The records show the development and changes of witch in Zhou Li. At the same time, We focus on the origin and development of medical office in Zhou Dynasty. and shamans and physicians should be witchcraft and medicine began to split time in Western Zhou Dynasty, the medical staff will be developed in an independent officials already have systems in Spring and Autumn Period, medical staff and practice the basic functions and experience has also been widely recognized. Finally, in the form of appendix , We conclude, the times reflected of medical officer which was written in Zhou Li. The relationship between the witch and the medical officer and theory which was written in Zhou Li is the development and a comprehensive summary of medical practice experience,since the Spring and Autumn Period.Chapter IV, focus on research for female officer and female officer education which was written in Zhou Li. Firstly, focus on the female office affairs and the characteristics, According to the different female officer serve , female officers can be divided into two categories: King female officer and Queen female officer, the former specifically refers to the king’s royal concubine, the latter refers to the female led the queen of the official system. Within the palace to the emperor limited, the functions of female officers to be detained in daily affairs, except political affairs. In addition , we investigate the situation for cooperation between female officers. Secondly, to study female officer education system in ZhouLi.“NeiZai”and”JiuPin”are responsible for female officer education, the former is responsible for the official rituals and working to teach women.the latter is responsible for education, character, appearance, language, skills, etc. In fact, characterized by female officer education in Zhou Li is: women who attach importance to the distinguished officer in the rituals of education, women’s inferior officer who attach importance to technical education. Again, we study the pre-Qin Dynasty aristocratic woman’s education. Disussion of educational content, which include pre-school education, girls education and education before marriage.Finally, to study the relationship between female officer education who was written in Zhou Li and female teachers which was written in Historical Documents, From the perspective of educators and educational content, the female officer in the women’s division of education established on the basis of female teacher’s education.Chapter V, entourage service official post that was in Zhou Li takes charge daily affairs and daily diet of the emperor, This paper focuses on the analysis different levels services of these official post in daily affairs of emperor and full-time service in daily diet of emperor. Among them, official post as the“DaPu”, affiliate“XiaoPu”, etc. has supplied service for sleep and daily living which had connected with government affairs, but“GongRen”has taken charge daily diet of emperor. Finally, the study status and functions of the office"Pu", Xiao Chen’s valet identity,which was was written in Historical Documents of pre-Qin DynastyChapter VI, in the official post system for attire that was built by Zhou Li, aiming mainly at service for formal attire of the emperor and queen. The paper based on the point to discuss royal family attire system that was recorded in Zhou Li and to abstract the corresponding full-time service. The clothing worn by the royal family are daily following several cases: When the time to paticipate in daily worship ,wroe the“XuanMian”, and the Queen wore the“ZhanYi”. When meeting with guests, the King wore the“PiBian”, and the Queen wore the“ZhanYi”; When the king met with Queen, the King wore the“PiBian”, and the Queen wore the“TuanYi”; When the daily living alone, the King wearing“XuanDuan”, and the Queen wearing“TuanYi”; When the queen alone dressing“TuanYi”. Finally, Taking into account the services in the daily King and Queen costumes, We organize the system the official of clothing who was was written in Zhou Li.Chapter VII, in the enormous official post system for royal daily life that was recorded in Zhou Li, in fact, slaves who fall within official post has finished functions or tasks. So it is analyzed manning levels and function characteristics for common people and victim who were connected with royal daily life in Zhou Li. Considering the slave is not officer, but with closely related function characteristics for royal daily life, the thesis advances some topics which were about common people and victim in the form of appendix. It shall investigate the source of slave, subordinate and characteristic to ensure the comprehensive research project.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 09期

